Popular Heartburn Drugs Linked to Dementia

As someone who has dealt with tummy troubles my whole life, this news was very compelling to me.

I, myself, have taken Prevacid in the past. Long ago, before I new about the natural alternatives out there to ease and repair digestive disturbances.

Did they work, yes, they did, and fast too, and that’s what gets you hooked on these drugs.  You think they are fixing a problem, when in reality they are “masking” a problem, and causing underlying problems that brew and fester and then rear their ugly heads… like this one.

New Study Reveals Heartburn Drugs Linked To Dementia

A new study has revealed some very scary findings revealing popular heart drugs linked to dementia risk.

The over-the-counter drugs, which are classified as proton pump inhibitors or PPIs, are used to treat heartburn.

You know these drugs as Prilosec, Nexium and Prevacid.

They are marketed to people who are dealing with overproduction of stomach acid causing heartburn.

15 million Americans RELY on these drugs to ease their tummy troubles

And of course, this is BIG BUSINESS, with billions of dollars being spent on these drugs, which are also readily available over the counter.

More than 15 million Americans used prescription PPIs in 2013, at a total cost of more than $10 billion, according to a report by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. Several popular PPIs — Prilosec, Prevacid and Zegerid — also are available over-the counter, further boosting their use. Dementia risk linked to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) heartburn drugs like Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid – CBS News

But a recent study in Germany has discovered some VERY alarming findings about the link between these popular, easily available drugs, and dementia.

…German researchers found that people 75 or older who regularly take the medications had a 44 percent increased risk of dementia, compared with seniors not using the drugs. The study only found an association, however, and not a cause-and-effect link. Dementia risk linked to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) heartburn drugs like Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid – CBS News

I know they say there is an “association” with dementia, not a direct “cause-and-effect” link, but here’s the kicker…

Regular users of PPIs had a 44 percent increased risk of dementia compared with those not receiving PPI medications. Dementia risk linked to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) heartburn drugs like Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid – CBS News

44% increased risk of dementia... 44%!!!  

That’s huge, and this is making doctor’s take notice and being compelled to let their patients know this.

Share this information with your parents and grandparents.  If you have parents or grandparents who are popping these pills to ward off heartburn, let them know this information.  The German study was done on 74,000 seniors over the of 74.   Because not all doctors are willing to their patients about this finding.

“It does not tell us anything that should change medical practice right now,” Fargo said. “I don’t think there’s going to be an uprising among doctors telling patients not to take their PPIs. This doesn’t rise anywhere near the level of evidence you would need for that.” Dementia risk linked to proton pump inhibitor (PPI) heartburn drugs like Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid – CBS News

So now it’s up to us to spread the word about this, because some doctors will not do it!

So what can you do to help heal the tummy the natural way?  Read more…

To Your Health

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