Make Your Own Detox Water

Just Cuz It’s Bottled Water, Doesn’t Make it Special!

So maybe you read in the news this past week about how Pepsi finally admitted that it’s Aquafina bottled water was just PURE TAP WATER!

That’s right, the “man behind the curtain” has been revealed… tap water!

Anyway, it prompted me to write about one of my favorite water concoctions, Detox Water.

There are a lot of ways to make a yummy detox water.

It’s basically an infusion of whatever fruits or veggies you find palatable, keeping in mind that you want to use produce that has “detox” properties.

This means, you want it to be cleansing to the system, provide antioxidants, provide some vitamin C, and help with digestion.

Well, my detox water recipe will help you do that.

So here is how you can make your own detox water, it’s super simple!

Make Your Own Yummy Detox Water!

So here’s something you can do with your very own tap water.  Make it into a yummy “detox” water.  You can make flavored water with any enhancers you like, but this one is especially yummy and offers some amazing detox properties to boot.

Laura’s Yummy Detox Water:

  1. Fresh mint from the garden (if you don’t have an herb garden, you can buy organic mint at most stores)
  2. One half orange sliced
  3. One half grapefruit sliced.

To make:  Cut up the half orange and half grapefruit into quarters.  Slice the mint in half or quarters to open up the flavor.  Toss everything in a 64 ounce glass pitcher (or any BPA-free pitcher).  Stir it all around for a few seconds.  Let it sit for at least 5 to 10  minutes for later the flavors enhance the water.

Voila, you have your very own amazing detox water.  And you can fill up your own BPA free bottles and tote it to yoga or the gym with you, instead of stopping for an Aquafina tap water!

What Makes This Detox Water So Good?

Oranges:  Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C.  One single medium orange gives you about 3/4  of your daily requirement for vitamin C.  Vitamin C works as an antioxidant and protects your body from the damage caused by free radicals generated in the body. It also reduces inflammation, strengthens the immune system and protects against colds and coughs and other common infections.

Mint: Mint acts as a stimulant for the digestive system, kicking enzymes into action and promoting optimal functioning of the body’s metabolism. Less fat is stored and more calories are burned by the simple addition of mint to one’s diet. Mint can provide relief for nausea as well as it helps to settle an upset tummy.

Grapefruit:  Grapefruit minimizes acidity in the system. The bitter properties arising from an essence called narigin in grapefruits tones up the system and the digestive process.  Naringin is also considered a flavonoid which has antiviral, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory qualities, strengthening the immune system and protecting against the flue and other infections!

So give my detox water a try, and experiment a bit by adding other things if you like.  I suggest cucumber, parsley, or lemon as well!
To your health!

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