Fitness Goal Setting is a great way to keep you on track for your fitness goals

Fitness Goal Setting will help you stay on track
so you can get the results that you want for your body.
Fitness goal setting is a great way to chart your progress. You can look back and see what you did last week and then improve upon it the next week. Writing it down makes it real. You think about it more when you write it down. It’s like making a “grocery list” for your fitness goals. How many times have you gone to the grocery store, without your list, and forgotten to get something. That’s me! I have done that so many times. You know that if it’s on the list, then you will have a better chance of really getting something done.

Below is a chart to help you with Goal Setting, what you do is print this out and write in the boxes what you would like to achieve on any given day.

For example, your fitness goals might look something like this:


Goal for the day

What did I accomplish?
How do I feel?

Monday: 1/1 Jog for 1 mile

Eat clean for 3 meals

Get to bed earlier

Jogging felt amazing, I made it 1.5 miles!

Had a salad for breakfast! It was filling and satisfying

Got eight hours of sleep! Boy, do I feel good after resting.

Some days you might not have accomplished all you set out to do, that’s okay. There is always tomorrow. But if you write down your goals they will become more real to you.

So if you logged 1.5 miles on the treadmill last week, then maybe you want to try for 2 miles this week. Or if you noticed you were down a half a pound by eating clean for three meals a day, then maybe you want to shoot for eating clean for all meals.

So just print this out, or make something similar. Put it on the kitchen counter, your desk, your bathroom vanity, or in your car; wherever you can keep it handy to make notes on your fitness goals.

It really works to write it down!


Goal for the day

What did I accomplish?
How do I feel?


